January 1, 2009

New Year = New Me

(In the following song, replace the word "day" with "year")

I feel like that song right now.

In this next year, I hope to discover myself and what I believe. The past year has been a true roller coaster. Some very significant things have happened in my life. However, I feel like many more significant things are going to happen in this upcoming year. (Don't you love how vague I am?)

Contrary to the title of this post, there will not be a new me. I will always be the same person I was before. I will only grow and come to understand things better than I do at the moment.

I will try to be a better friend. TRY!

I would say I'd try to be a better student and work harder... and yeah, I kind of want to... but, I kind of want to focus on a lot of other things at the same time. However, I do need to be more attentive to my homework and get it done when I get home from school so I don't stay up until 1 in the morning doing it.

Now I'm off to a dance party to bring in this new year! I hope everyone has a great 2009!


Anonymous said...

Did you have a good time at your party?

justdpl said...

Yes! The dance party was awesome! But i did have an allergy attack there, which wasn't too fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh do I know the allergy attack part! I usually take a Claritin before going out now. Allergies seem to be getting worse every year. Cats and dogs never used to bother me, now can't have them on me at all. If a dog licks me I break out.

Anyway, glad you had an awesome time. How'd the haircut turn out? Picture?