I secretly love it!
December 8, 2007
Rain meets with Snow
I secretly love it!
October 17, 2007
August 20, 2007
June 28, 2007
In The Arms of The Angel
June 27, 2007
June 26, 2007
I really don't have much to wrote about.
I was surfing youtube earlier today. The first video I viewed was of a little girl on Britain's Got Talent singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. It was unbelievably good for a 6 year old. Then I heard a different version of the song at the end of the clip, and I saw in the comments that the person who sang it was Eva Cassidy. So I looked her up on youtube and there were more videos. First, I watched Over the Rainbow and then I watched Time after Time and then I listened to Songbird. All of these songs were crazy good. The sheer talent of this woman astounded me. Her tone was wonderful, and I was just amazed. Sadly, I found that she had died in 1996 of melanoma. The talent this woman had went unnoticed until about 2001. She had recorded with some small record company. But even today, she isn't very well known.

R.I.P. Eva
June 25, 2007
So, yeah, I basically told Sandra all of that and we, then, decided to take a road trip to Vegas. OH NO! It is NOT your regular road trip. We will be riding our bicycles to Las Vegas, Nevada. Sandra will be borrowing my bike from when I was 8 years old or so and I will be riding my two year old bike. We have not decided when to leave, but I suspect it would be soon. Lucky Sandra gets a bell to ring while driving on the highway, but we both will have flashing lights so we are not hit by an angry trucker or one of those utlra-fast mopeds. And as for the deer that may attack us in the night, we will use rocks. Yes. I know what you're thinking; How would rocks do you any good against deer? Well... when the deer charge toward us in our small shelter made of 3 cardboard boxes, we will pick up the rocks/pebbles and throw them at the deer. Because the deer will be complete retarded idiots, they will run straight into the middle of the highway!
June 24, 2007
So, the other day I tuned into CBS for the Daytime Emmy's, because those are the shows I watch during the summer. Not surprisingly, Ellen won for like Most Outstanding talkshow which I'm happy with because The View is just a bunch of old women PMSing and Dr.Phil does the same thing every show, Tyra Banks is a joke, and Montel Williams wasn't even nominated. Okay, get to the point - The Emmy's were RIGGED!
So, CBS hosted the Emmy's and I guess it was just coincidence that like over half of the nominees were from CBS with the other half being ABC, NBC, or Syndicated (multiple networks). Out of all the awards given out, CBS recieved 25% of them. ABC got about 16%, PBS - 13%, and NBC - 8%! If you add up the total awards won by the three major brodcasting companies then that leaves CBS with 51% of the awards. In some catogories there were like 4 nominees from CBS and 1 from either ABC or NBC.

The View tied with Sesame Street with 10 emmy's each.
Dr.Phil tied with Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks with 4 emmy's each.
Not that I watch any of the soap operas, but this awards show was completely fixed and I think someone needs to speak up about it!
By the Way: I think Bob Barker is a quitter!